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Calling all members – we need volunteers for the
following for our Summer Classic March 1 and 2:

• Car parking from early morning both days
• Selling raffles, 2’s etc Saturday morning
• Manning the barbie (certain hours both days)
• Spotting on various holes both days
• Photographer - both days from 8am
• Course marshal both days
• Target green both days
• Flowers (day before)
If you could spare some time on either or both days please put your name on the sheet with phone number and preferred job and Helena Love will be in contact with you
Thanks so much for your help
Classic Committee

sheet in the bar to fill in or you can email Helena


We are reviving our BIG raffle tables and if anyone has any brand new unwanted Xmas gifts or golf prizes that they would like to donate it would be much appreciated

Pleasant Point Golf Club
03-614 7304

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