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August/September NEWSLETTER


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Pennant teams won their finals at Gleniti on Sunday 15th September.

Alexander team (photo on right) winning 18-0

Patterson team winning 13-5

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Pennant teams won their finals at Gleniti on Sunday 15th September.

Alexander team (left photo) winning 18-0

Patterson team winning 13-5

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Clubhouse & Course 

Dates to Remember

23rd Sep            McBride Trophy 12 noon start. Mixed Combined Stableford (open stableford for those not playing in mixed pairs) 

6th Oct               Final Club Championship

7th & 8th Oct     Course closed

13th Oct            KPMG/YMCA Tournament

14th Oct            South Island Masters Games

27th Oct            Gardiner Trophy, 

                          Mixed Canadian Foursomes 12 noon start

28th Oct            Labour Day Open Stableford 12 noon start


Please repair divots on all greens, including the green on the practice fairway.

Please remember all non members must sign the visitors book at the bar, this applies to golfers from other clubs.

A copy of the minutes can be found on the table beside the bar. These are usually available 10-14 days after the Management Meeting (held 3rd Monday of every month).

A big thank you to those members who have volunteered to help with green rolling!

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One of our amazing sponsors! Farmside supply us with both our phone line and internet.


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Mac Kelliher had a Albatross on the 7th hole, par 5, his second shot was from 197 metres out,  played a 5 iron into the hole for 2. OUTSTANDING!




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Country Ambrose Tournament

A great day was had by all players on Thursday, fantastic weather and our course (as always) in spectacular condition. Nineteen teams competed, the winners of the 3 divisions pictured above. A big ups to Haydn for beating his record of raffle ticket selling, 6 sheets were sold!



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The Kaiapoi Slackers! 12 players battled cold and windy conditions last Friday. They were very grateful for the nice warm club rooms, hot chips and a cold beer afterwards.

Fantastic to see visiting golfers utilizing our facilities. 

Pleasant Point Golf Club
03-614 7304

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