A few members have enquired about the new trees that have been planted on the course .
No 7. These are Japanese Maples (Acers) and are similar to those trees planted down no 8. These offer red/orange autumn colour tones and range in size from 6-12m height when mature. Deciduous in winter and will not shade the practice green.
No 12. A number of natives (Kowhai and Hoheria) have been planted along the boundary line as part of long term plan to attract native birds. This will include the eventual removal of the existing silver birches and it is envisioned that the process will be a gradual one and will likely take around 5 years to complete. Initial planting will between the existing trees.
No 14. A Cupressus ‘Blue Ice’ has been planted to replace the 2 conifer trees removed last year. This tree is the same as those currently growing in front and will eventually row to a height of 12m plus. Thus filling the existing space.
No 15. 3 x Taxodium distichum trees have been placed to add a little more difficulty to this hole from the area of rough on the LHS. Growing to around 15 metres , relatively slow growing, have a feathery summer foliage changing to a nice golden colour tone in autumn , then without leaves over winter . The same trees are planted on No 5 and 14. They have this twisted -like bark.